9 Career Paths Women Should Take To Destroy Gender Roles And Assumptions

2. Healthcare IT/Informatics

The statistics for women in the field of healthcare informatics is similar to that of women in IT. It makes a great deal of sense for more women to become data analysts in the healthcare field since women are well-represented in healthcare in general; therefore, the transition between nursing and informatics, for example, would be relatively simple. Because the need for both healthcare and IT professionals is so constant, this is a field with a great deal of demand and job security. The average salary, for example, was $86,170 in 2012. In addition, the job outlook from 2012-2022 is estimated to grow by 37%, which is considered much faster than average. A Database Administrator earned $77,080 on average, as of 2012, and it’s also expected to grow, as a profession, by 15%–also faster than average.

New degree programs like the one at University of Cincinnati offers a focus in one of three Information Technology areas of focus: Networking/Systems, Software Application Development, and Cybersecurity. Healthcare informatics is all about the study of medical and patient-related data for the purpose of improving the quality of healthcare. Therefore, a person in the field of healthcare informatics practices data analysis and organization, and becomes an expert in the usability of data and systems of data collection and presentation.

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