Daphne Stanford
Articles by
Daphne Stanford
The Truth About U.S. Government: Democracy Is In A Very, Very Sad State
I, like many others, am fed up: with this joke of a democracy, with the disenfranchisement of 12 million voters whose voices apparently don’t matter and whose concerns haven’t been taken seriously.
3 Ways We Can Save The Planet Through Green Technology & Sustainability
What does this mean? For starters, supporting alternative forms of transportation in order to allow us to avoid giving more money to oil companies.
How It Ends: The Oregon Occupation
It’s difficult to believe, but militants are still occupying the federal buildings on the Malheur Wildlife Refuge.
3 Ways Tiny Houses Can Change The World For Good
Before they were in the news relating to “Housing First,” however, tiny houses were the latest real estate trend. They’ve come a long way from their origins as a new, trendy real estate fad to a new revolution in the way we think about community and successful personhood.
9 Career Paths Women Should Take To Destroy Gender Roles And Assumptions
It’s more important than ever to keep moving forward in terms of progress for women in the workplace. Here are nine career paths women should follow in order to help shed, rather than perpetuate, gender roles and assumptions.
The Immigration Debate: What’s At Stake?
The conversation about immigration in this country needs to change to become a more inclusive and respectful discourse — especially when it comes to immigrants from Mexico.