Dante Table

Articles by Dante Table

Masculinity: Why Do You Care?

Why do I care? Because as a rape survivor masculinity has always been something I struggle with. Studies have been done that show that we as male survivors don’t get assimilated into masculine culture because of our soul seared brands of victim.

I Can’t Quit You

Because loving you is hard, but hating you hurts. Because I fear for you. Because I want you to see yourself how I see you.

Men Can’t Be Raped

For some odd reason, it is believed that men cannot be taken sexually against our will.

It’s Okay To Be Selfish

My entire life I thought that being selfish was synonymous with being a bad person. That if I ever did anything for myself then I wasn’t living up to my cultural or religious ideals.

Stop What You’re Doing Right Now and Travel

There I sat atop an obsidian-colored rock and stared out at the Volcano. It was amazing to think that this force of nature was actually alive, active and at any minute it could erupt.

I Am Not Ashamed To Talk About My Suicide Attempt

I am not ashamed for my honesty. I am not afraid to be brave and speak about my experience with depression and with this night. It is a part of what has made me the understanding and mature individual that I am today.