It’s Not You, It’s Truthfully Me

Shianne Morales / Unsplash

We have heard it all before
It’s not you
It’s me
The line that some may see
As an easy
To a relationship that was
Looking for a way to end
But this time
I truly mean it
It is me
It is me because I am not ready
I am still damaged
Still hurt
To let you in
Would be unfair
You fell for my lightness
Yet have not seen my shadows
And from that darkness
I want to protect you
It’s not you
It’s me
It is me because my hand in yours
May stop you from moving
Stuck in time
A clock with a broken hand
Broken so badly
That it still remains fractured
You need to keep on ticking
To hold a hand
That moves at your pace
I need to repair
My hand
With slow movements
To truly mend
I need to do it alone
My hand will heal
It will move
The same pace
And it will hold
Not yet
Not yours
It’s not you
It’s me
You have all of the qualities
That I could have asked for
A heart so full
Ready to give
I am just not ready to take
You deserve something big
Something more
Something whole
You have asked what you can do
How you can change
Please don’t change a thing
It’s not you
It’s me
You are ready to love
To be in a relationship
I am too
Only mine is different
I am ready to be
In a relationship with me
To love myself
To try and understand
Why I am not
With someone like you
Why I self destruct
Attracted to what is wrong
That is where I am
That is me
For now
It’s Me
And You
Beautiful you
So worthy
Of the same love
You are offering now
You will soon hear the words
The words that you deserve
Not from my mouth
Not in my voice
But with truth
And a full heart
With words that sing `
It’s you
It is you
You are
The one Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Danni Jackson

Unfinished // Words // Thoughts

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