We Were A Story, But Now We Are Finished

Verne Ho

We were an unfinished story
The book that you couldn’t put down
Hooked by the first word
Desperate to know how it carries on
We were the love people write about
The reason people buy the books
Then after the first page
We let that story go
For two years
We were an unfinished story
A question of what if
What happens
When will our chapters continue
So we met again
We wrote our pages
We kept writing our story
We were still that love
The love that people write about
The love everyone believes in
A love so strong
We wrote some amazing chapters
Some chapters are difficult to read
But we kept on writing our story
And together we figured it out
I still believe in our second book
And that we remain unfinished
But for now
Here is our book
And here is our ending
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About the author

Danni Jackson

Unfinished // Words // Thoughts

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