Danielle Lavieri

Articles by
Danielle Lavieri

What Loving Someone Means

It doesn’t mean being a replica of another person, but rather being like a puzzle piece that fits perfectly with the other. Your traits complement each other to create better versions of you both.

The 7 Worst Things About Sex And The City

If you’re able to work 40 hours a week (more than 50 in Miranda’s case) and still make it out to the bar every night or lunch to chat it up with your 3 closest girlfriends, let me know.

Why We Need To Start Taking Our Own Advice

Everything looks so much clearer when you’re looking from the outside in, but maybe it’s time to admit to ourselves that we can fix some of our own problems without even asking for help. We know the answers; we just don’t want to accept them.

How To Deal When Life Just Isn’t Fair

I’m not suggesting that we dedicate our lives to focusing on the things that bring us down, but I do think we have every right to feel bad about our lives’ misfortunes every now and then. It will help us heal from them.

All The Ways You Love Your Best Friend

Thank them for putting up with you when you’re moody and don’t feel like talking. Thank them for always giving you a place to stay if you have nowhere else, and never denying you the couch when you were in need.

How To Move On When Friendships Drift Apart

It’s not fair to yourself or the other person to keep pretending and feigning friendship with someone who you haven’t shared an intimate best friend moment with in over a year.