Danielle Campoamor

When Writing Pays Off

It pays off when someone sees themselves in your syntax and under your paragraphs and behind your syllables. You can bring them places they’ve forgotten or expose pieces they’ve hidden or lead them to the strength they’ve misplaced.

The Last Time

The last time I listened to him he promised me I couldn’t do it on my own. I made him a liar.

Stop Being Afraid Of Happiness

When the other shoe seems to consistently drop and sadness feels like a perpetual state of being, it’s hard not to tremble in the face of that fleeting feeling called happiness.

The Cost Of Breaking Up

Thanks to necessary dates and yearly presents and romantic getaways, relationships are thought to cost much more than singledom.

The First You

Not in the hesitant way that understands the real possibility of failure yet continues to spitefully reach and claw and bite and grab.