Daniel Moore
Formerly a first-grade teacher in New Orleans, Dan Moore is presently a freelance writer living in San Francisco. Follow him on Medium.
Articles by
Daniel Moore
The Life-Changing Power Of Passion
Lack of purpose doesn’t just deaden you; it leads to a kind of degeneration.
How To Know If You’re A Good Or Bad Person
It’s 3 AM and I’m awake. I tell her I’m sorry, and that I love her, but that I have to go home. Then I drop her hand and walk out the front door. If we didn’t stop now, we’d destroy everything.
A Letter To My Grandfather
My hope is that, from time to time, you can pick up this letter and read it with Grandma, and remind yourself that you were — for one boy, at the very least — the most important thing in the world.
The Struggle To Love Yourself
She starts to shake. This is what she can’t make her friends understand: how physical it is. How can she make them know? How do you communicate this? How it’s like walking through a spider web, caught in something that you can’t get out of. She wants so badly to be normal, and good, and happy, to be a successful woman, whatever that actually means. But she’s not any of those things and she knows it.
The Irony Of Loneliness
I am an introvert. I know this about myself. I enjoy being alone. Moreover — as is true of most introverts, I think — I romanticize the idea of being alone. But being alone for any real length of time is romantic only in theory.
Sexless In The City
This whole failing at dating thing is starting to get to me. I’m beginning to think there’s something wrong with me.