
There’s Something Suspicious About This Old Google Maps Image And The Way It’s Been Hidden

In 2010, this figure was spotted via street view on Google Maps.


via Imgur
via Imgur

In 2010, this figure was spotted via street view on Google Maps. The address is 8 Rue Dr Grandjean, 54000 Nancy, France. At the time, the internet freaked out and many people laughingly called it an “alien”. Others hypothesized that it was a “humanoid” or even that it was just a piece of weird artwork or something. It was interesting but easy to dismiss because such a thing, even in 2010, would have been easy to Photoshop.

Regardless, even though it took nearly a year, people started asking questions all over the internet on bulletin boards and even on Google forums. They wanted to know just what this was. December 2011 was a big month for people trying to figure this out.

Screenshot via
Screenshot via

On non-Google forums it was the same, no one could explain it but most people sort of laughed it off. That’s when they started noticing the image was disappearing, live, on Google Maps.

Screenshot via
Screenshot via

And it was happening to everyone.

Apologies for the image size. Screenshots of when it started to be blurred out are very scarce.

via Imgur
via Imgur

It’s clear from the image that the object itself is not blurring. It’s obvious that despite never addressing this issue directly that Google decided to censor out the image so many people had begun to discover. But why? If it’s an art piece or something then what’s the point of censoring it? What’s to hide? Why would Google censor this?

Well, it gets stranger. In what feels like an effort to not only hide the person/object but to also hide that they were trying to hide it, Google has gone a step further in 2016 by not censoring the entire building where this was first seen.


No other building on the entire street is censored but this one and it’s censored from every direction. Here it is from the other side.


Why censor out an entire building? What happened here and why is it so important that Google, one of the richest companies in the world, a company that essentially controls the entire internet, felt it necessary to basically erase it from existence?

Hit the link to take a look for yourself. Thought Catalog Logo Mark