Super Profound Accounts From Real Veterans On What It’s Like To Kill During War

Civilians usually hear about the death of war through the filter of the news media. Numbers, associations, locations, these are the predominant data points we receive.


Civilians usually hear about the death of war through the filter of the news media. Numbers, associations, locations, these are the predominant data points we receive. Rarely do soldiers and veterans speak candidly and unfiltered about the most basic of all experiences in war, killing someone. The above video is stunning in both its simplicity and in how raw the feelings still are. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Lonnie, Infantry in Vietnam
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Josh, a Sniper during Operation Enduring Freedom
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Lance, a sniper during the Kosovo War
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Jonathon, Company Commo Chief, Operation Iraqi Freedom
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Dan, Infantry Machine Gunner, Vietnam
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Qassim, Infantry during the Iraq-Iran War