Daniel Coffeen

Daniel is an independent writer, reader, teacher, and philosopher. Follow him on Twitter here.

What Do You Seek?

It’s a matter of posture, a mode of standing in the world, towards the world, towards your self: a question of what you seek, I suppose, even if what you seek is the end of seeking.

How To Write Criticism

All things — all texts — are to be read. And, in fact, all things are always already read.

Writing Critically About Things

A good reading is life affirming. I’ll one up that: a critical reading creates life! It takes what you think you’re seeing, what you think is done, and shows you whole other worlds.

How To Become Part Of Language

Language is weird. It’s a kind of system that includes all these different elements — words, punctuation, meanings — and the way the elements combine, that is, grammar.