16 Little Things You Can Do To Make The Rest Of Winter (Somewhat) More Bearable

We’re in the throes of winter now. The cold and winter blues after the holidays are probably beginning to sink in.

I’ll admit, there’s nothing quite like summer to me, so this list is for the similar-minded, those who suffer from either seasonal depression, or “Summer Withdrawal Disorder,” as I call it. This syndrome is characterized by extreme bouts of nostalgia of summer memories, yearning for warm breezes, salty hair, and waves and wanting to just be able to walk outside without first having to put on a gazillion layers, dammit! This is for those who appreciate wearing barely any clothing at all and count down to when the days start to get longer again. With these few suggestions, maybe your winter can become a little more bearable.

Here are some things you can do to make your winter (a little more) bearable:

1. Warm up your car ahead of time

2. Add five minutes to your getting ready routine to actually bundle up and layer properly (something I regularly neglect to do this, though it will make running errands so much more bearable)

3. Drink a lot of hot chocolate, coffee, and tea — whip cream, marshmallows, and all

4. Go to museums — art museums, history museums — and learn something new

5. Spend time at the gym (hey, you can still get that endorphin rush inside!)

Some plus sides to cold weather (things you can’t enjoy in summer):

6. Saunas, hot tubs, and tanning booths (I mean, do you really want to go in a hot tub during the summer when it’s already hot out?)

7. Layering! Experiment with your style and embrace the scarves, hats, and all the new style options. Boots and socks, too

8. Steaming bowls of oatmeal, grits, hot cereals, and hot soups

9. Movies, popcorn, and Netflix binges (save movies for when it’s already shitty outside, dammit!! Take advantage of the nice weather then it’s nice out!)

10. An excuse to lay in bed and be lazy without completely feeling guilty (it’s already ugly outside, don’t mind if I do)

11. Curling up with a good book (or taking up reading in general)

12. Learning a new indoor hobby — maybe finally try drawing, painting, or model plane building

13. Watching football! Superbowl parties! Wings and beer! Getting drunk, DUH

14. Ice hockey (is ice hockey season even during the winter?)

15. Ice skating

16. Skiing

This is not an extensive list, but hopefully it will help you to get through your winter a little less begrudgingly. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Courtney Messina

Just sharing some of my thoughts on life, based on experience