15 Little Things You Need To Try At Least Once In Your Twenties

Let the fresh air fill your lungs by heading out to your local trails for a trek through the woods. Bring your dog, pack a lunch, and find yourself a good walking stick along the way.


little things to try in your twenties
Jared Sluyter
little things to try in your twenties
Jared Sluyter

So you’ve made it to your 20s. Congrats! Now, before you let the next decade of your life slip by in the whirlwind that is adulthood, you need to make sure you take time to embrace your 20s. The 20s are often described as your golden window of opportunity, for you are young, vibrant, and totally ready to take on whatever life throws at you.

However, it can be easy to get caught up in the monotonous world of work, school, work, and, well, more work. To prevent this from happening to you, I’ve created a list of 15 things you need to do at least once throughout 20s.

1. Join a fencing sally.

Let’s resurrect this old sport and bring it back! Find a sally near you, gear up, and spend a couple of hours learning how to attack, peri, and repost. Full of frustration? Let it all out in a fierce sword fight. And don’t worry, it’s totally safe. Not only is fencing incredibly fun and satisfying, but imagine all the talking points you will now have when you tell people you fence! It officially makes you a thousand times cooler.

2. Go on a cruise.

Now that you’re an adult, you have this wonderful thing called vacation time! Don’t let it stack up. Use every bit of it. And why travel to just one location when you can island hop around the Caribbean? Cruises are all-inclusive, making it affordable for us 20-somethings. I mean, who could say no to fancy dinners, endless buffets, and a new beach to lay on every day?

3. Go skydiving.

Let your adrenaline soar as you free fall thousands of feet and fall to the ground in a parachute. Or, if jumping out of a helicopter isn’t your thing, try going indoor skydiving. iFly centers have been popping up all over the US, and all you have to do is go in a tunnel where you are lifted up into the air- flying. Looking for an out of the ordinary date night or maybe a new hobby? This is the way to go. But I must warn you, it’s highly addicting.

4. Read a new book.

In our 20s, it can be so easy to forget about reading, especially when were in the middle of a Netflix or Hulu series. However, reading is a great way to stimulate our brains, allowing us to feel emotions that might normally be foreign to us, offering us the chance to learn things we never knew before. So dust off that kindle or head to your nearest library. Try reading The Smart Girl’s Guide to Surviving Her Twenties for a quick, fun read about surviving and thriving throughout your 20s.

5. Go for a hike.

Let the fresh air fill your lungs by heading out to your local trails for a trek through the woods. Bring your dog, pack a lunch, and find yourself a good walking stick along the way. It’s fun, and it’s exercise- a win-win!

6. Go camping.

Take your hiking adventures to a new level by going camping. Gather your closest friends and head out to the wilderness for a weekend. Set up a tent, roast some s’mores, and tell ghost stories by the fire. Every camping trip is unique, and you’ll be sure to end the weekend with a boat load of stories to share with your coworkers come Monday.

7. Visit a museum.

Head to your local museum or take a day trip to the nearest museum that peaks your interest. Whether it’s a science museum, history museum, or art museum, you’ll be sure to learn something you didn’t know before, and your world view just might expand a little bit.

8. Indulge in a spa day.

Heading to the spa is a treat most of us don’t get to indulge in very often. However, working, going to school, and keeping up with our households can leave us with very little time for taking care of ourselves. So take a day and get a massage, facial, mud bath, or seaweed wrap, because, well, you deserve it.

9. Go to a live sports game.

Whether it’s baseball, soccer, football, or basketball, head to your nearest arena and watch a game. Take a friend, snack on some peanuts, and cheer along with the crowd. You just might find sports to be more interesting than you thought they were.

10. Visit a new country.

Hop over the pond, err, ocean, and travel somewhere you’ve never been. Experience a culture that is different from the one you’re used to. Try new cuisine. Listen to new music. Interact with people different from you. This will not only be a fun experience to check off your bucket list, but engaging with new cultures can help grow you as person allowing you to come back home with a broader perspective of the world.

11. Reconnect with an old friend.

Think about your school days. Who haven’t you talked to in years that you used to talk to every day? Pick up the phone and give them a call. Better yet, meet them for coffee next time you’re in the same town!

12. Get to know your grandparents.

If you’re lucky enough to still have your grandparents around, take time out of your schedule to get to know them. Listen to their war stories, soak up their wisdom, and let them into your world. Remember, they won’t be around forever, and you wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for them.

13. Write a letter.

Send that old cousin, friend, or roomy who now lives across the country a hand-written letter from yours truly. It will be a welcome surprise from the bills and junk mail.

14. Go to a concert.

When was the last time you went to a live convert? Find out who’s coming your way and snag some tickets. Sing and dance along with your favorite performers because, let’s be honest, listening to them on the radio is just not the same as experience them live.

15. Learn an instrument.

Pick up a guitar, ukulele, or keyboard from the thrift shop and teach yourself some new tunes. You could even take a class, or ask a friend to help you out. There’s no time like your 20s to learn a new skill. Just think, you have your whole life ahead of you to master this skill, so it’s best to start now.

Remember, you won’t ever be this young again, and this season of life doesn’t last forever. Take advantage of your 20s now, so you won’t risk losing out on all the incredible experiences this golden window of opportunity has to offer. Thought Catalog Logo Mark