Corinda Lubin-Katz

We Need To Teach Our Daughters To Play Sports

It endows you with lifelong skills, countless lessons, and an unfaltering love and appreciation for the unique joy of being immersed in something, utterly in your element, and realizing — this is your domain, this is where you belong.

The Power Of The Little Things

It’s not too late to start seeing the little things – to start adding to them and appreciating them; to start guiding and cherishing them.

The Roundabout Burden Of Being An Adult

The ups are followed by downs and vice versa, everything seems fickle. We make progress, we seem subconsciously linked with a perpetual inspiration, and then, before we know it, we find ourselves once again uninspired.

8 Things We Should Pay More Attention To In 2014

There is this inclination toward ignoring privilege as if pretending it’s not there is somehow equalizing, when in reality, it has the opposite effect. Inequality, prejudice, institutionalized oppression, and injustices are far too deeply ingrained to be wiped away by imagination.

What We Talk About When We Talk About Loss

It dawned on me one day as I sank into a particularly sad mood—the type that has an ache to it like its own heartbeat—that we are not meant to be hollow. So, I chose to view as essential the grief, sadness, and longing that rush in like caged water escaping through cracks in crumbling walls.

7 Things We Can Learn From Making Mistakes

You never know when you’ll have to rely on the kindness of strangers, or when you will be a stranger whose kindness is needed. I don’t know that karma works as efficiently and effectively as we might all like to believe, but I do think the more kindness is put out into the world, the better.