Corinda Lubin-Katz

Articles by
Corinda Lubin-Katz

Speaking Your Truths

Human interaction and expression is laced with complications – it’s layered with the unspoken, overshadowed, and misinterpreted.

I Will Define My Life

Lately I feel certain that if you don’t utilize whatever is churning inside of you, it will expire, and that is a tremendous waste.

For Love Of The Journey

We imagine things in grandeur, then the reality falls short and we’re deflated by the dissonance. But we shouldn’t be.

If You Need A Reason For Gratitude

Most of the time, we’re distracted by what we don’t have, what isn’t working, what falls short. It’s kind of a shame that that’s what we’re more inclined to notice.

The Undeniability Of A Dream

If you’re lucky enough to discover what you love, you have to hold on to it. You have to show up when it matters – despite fatigue, ambivalence, anxiety, and doubt.

What Happens When A Heart Breaks

It’s remembering how you felt in a moment, vividly. The same shivers on your skin, ripple through your veins, smile forming inadvertently. It’s reliving it but this time from the outside.

What Loss Teaches You About Yourself

Not all loss is the same. There’s the severing of paths and there’s permanent loss and there’s tragedy. They all hurt, but to different extents and in different ways.