Cody Delistraty

Articles by
Cody Delistraty

The Moral Cost Of Travel

How does white privilege and “poverty tourism” factor into the decision to travel? Should we take traveling so lightly? How much power does travel really have?

Why Do We Believe In Heaven?

A few years back, Stephen Hawking famously told the Guardian, “I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail… There is no heaven or afterlife for broken-down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark.”

Missed Connection: Marriage Proposal In A Pancake At A Pennsylvania Farmhouse

Before we finally went to bed, you loaned me a beat-up tee shirt with some paint stains from when you painted your apartment back when you first moved to Manhattan in 2011. We ended up talking about our experiences in New York, and we totally agreed on how it’s a great place to be when you’re young, but unless you’re a “bajillionaire,” it’s not really a feasible place to raise kids.

Why Nearly Every Famous Quote Is Wrong

By quoting someone you are also making a statement about yourself – you are aligning yourself with their values. Those who quote Hemingway are paradigmatically different from those who quote Fitzgerald. Those who quote Twain’s travel observations might think it crass to also quote Anthony Bourdain’s.