This Guy Made A Fake Tinder Profile To Prove That Girls Never Think Hot Dudes Are Creepy

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A bodybuilding enthusiast named GermanLifter decided to conduct a social experiment to see how much easier life was for attractive dudes.

He created a Tinder profile using pics of the guy from the “Call me Maybe?” music video. The model has an ideal body type, and is well, a gorgeous male model.

Here’s the full reel of photos used on the profile:

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A+ main pic showing off the model’s great teeth and hair. Super simple bio, definitely good to mention that 6’3′ height stat.

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Gotta have that brooding, dark and mysterious pic.

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And in case someone isn’t already sold, here’s a shirtless pic that makes it 100% clear this guy is ripped.

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With the fake profile all set up, GermanLifter starts swiping. Without even trying very hard, countless matches start flowing in:

“Also, I have absolutely zero game. I wasn’t even trying, just sending random bullshit that came off top of my head but it doesn’t matter.

[…] All of the following convos take place in a time frame of about 2 hours (srs). I can’t even keep up with all the matches/messages I’m getting, it would probably take 10+ people working full time to talk to all the girls who want this guy.”

Here are the convos he had:

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It doesn’t matter how raunchy and offensive his opening line is, he still gets responses.

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Like seriously, how far can this guy go before someone draws the line?

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Nobody has gotten upset yet.

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To be sure, not everyone that GermanLifter talked to was interested in casual sex — but even those folks were still interested in him.

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As far as we can tell, he didn’t even get blocked or unmatched.

“I can literally say ANYTHING and still get their #. The girls often initiate first and respond immediately when I send a message. Admittedly I did get turned down a few times only because I opened with stuff like ‘let’s fukc’ (srs).”

Some people responded to this social experiment by simply saying that obvious conclusion is obvious: people are drawn to attractive people. Others said that Tinder is also not a representative sample of all people in the world, as most users are probably open to hookups.

User BetaThanU, however, suggested that there is a “societal” double standard where attractive men are allowed to say a whole lot more than unattractive men.

At the end of the day though, Tinder sucks, so we probably shouldn’t care all that much. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Clint Conway

Very famous IRL (at least to my son!)

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