Plumber Gets Fired After Posting This Picture Of A ‘Shower Dildo’ On Facebook

So she went to the plumber's boss, and he got "flushed" so-to-say.


Flickr / Jan and Facebook
Flickr / Jan and Facebook

This plumber who saw a dildo sticking out of a client’s shower wall while on the job thought it would be a good idea to upload the picture to Facebook for some laughs.

Unfortunately, the joke ended up being on him.

The photo was posted to “Blokes Advice” a secret men’s group where men talk about men stuff, I guess?

But the photo started going mini-viral in some circles, with people reposting it to various pages and on their personal Facebooks for laughs:

via Facebook
via Facebook

Eventually it ended up in another Facebook group called “Bad Girls Advice.” And unfortunately for the plumber, the client who owned the shower (and the dildo) was actually in that group. Quickly, she realized it was a picture of her bathroom that had gone viral, and it wasn’t difficult to pin down who was responsible.

(I mean, it’s not that hard when people post things like “MY PLUMBER FRIEND…”)

So she went to the plumber’s boss, and he got “flushed” so-to-say.

via Facebook
via Facebook

The “Blokes Advice” Facebook group seems super sorry about the outcome. The group, though, actually is pretty problematic with people clamming it houses demeaning content toward women. So I guess the dildo pic was pretty par for the course?

An apparent Facebook addict, the plumber himself shared the official dismissal email he got from his boss also on FB:

via Facebook
via Facebook

It is with much regret that I must terminate your employment today.

Your actions are condemned by me and have put my company in a vulnerable position. As discussed, I know now in hindsight, you regret your actions, but unfortunately they can not be undone and have caused damage.

Let me say, I admire your willingness to accept responsibility and accountability for your actions.

Has the plumber learned his lesson?

via Facebook
via Facebook

“Would I do it again, probably not.”

He “probably” has?

Let this be a lesson to everyone though, be careful what you put on social media. You don’t want your company to have a reason to flush you down the drain (heh). Thought Catalog Logo Mark