A Guy Decided To Troll This Random Dude Who Kept Calling Him, But Maybe He Went Too Far

This is really hilarious — but also kinda crazy.


Pixabay / PublicDomainPictures
Pixabay / PublicDomainPictures

Usually when you get a text or phone call from a wrong number, they just go away afterwards.

Unfortunately Imgur user , he started getting consistent phone calls from some random dude. He first tried to ignore the calls, but they just kept coming and coming. Eventually he decided to text the annoying caller to tell him to knock it off.

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via Imgur

Then he decided it was time to get revenge via an old fashioned trolling:

So I get this call, randomly, asks if I called him, I hadn’t so I tell him to go away. Go about the rest of my day, check my phone that night with two missed calls, same guy. I text him then remember facebook lets you look up by phone number, figure its a long shot but why not right?

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via Imgur

He dropped the guy’s REAL name in the text convo that he had found on Facebook. And everything that happened after is hilarious. Warning, this gets REALLY trolly.

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Feeling a little bit bad about how out of control the whole conversation went,  decided to ‘fess up the whole story at the end.

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via Imgur

It would be really funny if this story ended with the guy still randomly calling him all the time. Thought Catalog Logo Mark