This Man Just Wanted To Buy A Cat Off Craigslist, But The Guy Who Texted Him Was VERY Weird

Pixabay / Unsplash
Pixabay / Unsplash

A lot of weird stuff goes down on Craigslist, there can be no doubt of that. But even by Craigslist standards, this is pretty damn weird.

A guy just wanted to buy a kitten on the site, perhaps to get it at a discounted price. He posts an ad for a kitten on Craigslist and waits for a response. He gets one via text from this father — who from the very start — makes things very weird.

I’ll let you read for yourself:

via Imgur
via Imgur

At first it sounds like the person responding is proposing more of a…”casual encounters” sort of interaction. Even after he clarifies though, things are still pretty weird.

via Imgur
via Imgur

“Boys will be boys”

What the heck? This kid sounds like some kind of sociopath!

via Imgur
via Imgur

My guess is that this guy didn’t end up going through with the transaction. I sure wouldn’t! Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Clint Conway

Very famous IRL (at least to my son!)

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