How This Woman Reacted To Her Tinder Match Cancelling Their Date Is Hilariously Nuts

via Imgur
via Imgur

In general, Tinder just kind of sucks. Everybody is there for different reasons, and tons of people are there just to play games. Which is cool, but it makes it hard to track down fun people who are after the same thing you are — be that dating, or just casual sex.

Imgur user  matched with this girl on Tinder, and apparently they got along well enough to exchange phone numbers.

via Imgur
via Imgur

After texting back and forth a bit, Brian asked her if she’d like to get drinks.

And he didn’t get a response. For like a long ass time. So he shrugged, and made some other plans for the evening.

Then she finally responded. But he politely told her that he had since made other plans and apologized.

How she responded wasn’t quite so gracious:

via Imgur
via Imgur

Wow, kinda extreme right?? Like, what is the point of this bitchy rant? Crazier yet, this girl isn’t done yet…

via Imgur
via Imgur

“Start aiming for girls more in your league”

LOL based on this girl’s crazy-ass response, she’s in the lowest league possibly. Looks are a factor, but this girl could be smokin’ and I still wouldn’t date her.

But wait, there’s more??

via Imgur
via Imgur

I feel like this girl needs to jump off Tinder and work on her issues. Jeez, I kinda hope this was a joke because I’m legit concerned. Bless you Brian for not responding to that hot mess, because I’d be mega pissed.

Have any of you had online dating experiences as wild as this one?? Thought Catalog Logo Mark


About the author

Clint Conway

Very famous IRL (at least to my son!)

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