This Email To A Professor Is Either The Most Hilarious Excuse Or Most Creative Lie For Missing Class EVER

What do you think of this?


William Iven
William Iven
William Iven

Through my college career I had several classes where attendance was 100% mandatory. If you were going to miss class, there would be some kind of penalty and it ALWAYS sucked.

So sometimes I would come up with some excuses for why I couldn’t go (even if they weren’t 100% true). Maybe that is what the student who penned this email did — and if so — she did a VERY creative job of it.

Or maybe something truly weird was happening outside her door.

You decide:

via Imgur

That one “sniper team” guy looks like he is wearing Sperry Top-Siders — not very official SWAT Team dress! But this would be a LOT of work to fake, so who knows! Thought Catalog Logo Mark