This Dude Brought Pics Of His Ex Giving Him A Blowjob To Her Wedding, Video Shows HUGE Fight

This is the most dramatic thing from 2016.


via Imgur
via Imgur
via Imgur

Weddings are supposed to be events of pure happiness. Families comes together and celebrate the joy of two people coming together into one married union.

Unfortunately, at this wedding, things didn’t go quite according to plan.

While the story is still getting sorted out in entirety, what we seem to know is that two people were getting married in a fancy-ass wedding. After the ceremony itself, everyone came together for a reception — which was equally fancy. There was a buffet table, open bar, fancy tables, decorations, the whole nine yards.

And then an unwanted guest arrives. The bride’s ex-boyfriend. And he doesn’t come with a wedding gift, he comes with pictures of his ex-girlfriend (the bride of the wedding) performing oral sex on him.

Here’s how text messages exchanged after the event describe what happened:

via Imgur
via Imgur
via Imgur
via Imgur

Apparently this ex boyfriend had gone to the trouble of printing off pictures of the bribe sucking his dick, and passed them out to everyone at the wedding reception.

You might be thinking, “Oh, this isn’t going to end well…”

And you’d be right.

Video from the event shows that a MASSIVE fight broke out. The video appears to have been taken by staff who were working the wedding party.

The first video is taken from a distance away, and it looks like some chairs are being thrown — probably at the ex who brought the pictures.

The next video is from closer up, and shows the situation TOTALLY out of hand. Tables are flipped over, chairs are being thrown, but it only gets worse…

In this last video, pretty much everyone at the wedding reception seems to be involved in the fight. It looks like someone is being pulled into the mob of angry people, but it is hard to tell from the grainy video.

There’s no word on how this drama all ended, but something tells me it didn’t end well. Thought Catalog Logo Mark