How This Girl Reacts When Her Boyfriend Picks Video Games Over Hanging With Her Actually *Ends* The Relationship

John Sting
John Sting

Just the other day, Imgur user  shared his latest breakup story with the entire internet and we find it extremely interesting.

Basically,  (the boyfriend in this situation) was dating a girl named Tiffany. Tiffany asked him what he was doing one night, and he promptly told her all of his plans.

However, Tiffany was very unhappy, because part of his plans was playing some video games with his virtual friends. Even though she never explicitly said so, she probably expected her boyfriend to (by default) spend his free time with her that evening, and was angry that video game time was picked “over” her.

Anyway, here’s how everything played out.

via Imgur
via Imgur
via Imgur
via Imgur
via Imgur
via Imgur

There are definitely two perspectives here. On one hand, I understand how it might be frustrating for Tiffany to want to see her boyfriend but he ALWAYS has other plans. On the other hand, Tiffany seems very dismissive of her boyfriend’s friends (even if they are online friends) by calling them “fucking nerds.”

These two people just were not right for each other. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Clint Conway

Very famous IRL (at least to my son!)

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