Heartbroken Woman Posts Last Texts She Received From Boyfriend Before He Was Killed

I hope I never have to look back on texts like this...


Facebook / Kanijya Hilliard
Facebook / Kanijya Hilliard
Facebook / Kanijya Hilliard

Kanijya Hilliard and her boyfriend Ayo Dequan were in the middle of huge fight only a few weeks ago. Despite this, they loved each other very, very much and had a strong relationship. Indeed, while they were not officially married they still referred to each other as “husband” and “wife.”

Just a few weeks ago, however, Ayo was killed. Even the day before his death, however, he sent these heartbreaking texts to Kanijya, begging her for her forgiveness:

Facebook / Kanijya Hilliard
Facebook / Kanijya Hilliard

And it seems like she may have given it:

Facebook / Kanijya Hilliard
Facebook / Kanijya Hilliard

Ayo had cheated on Kanijya, creating a culture of mistrust in the relationship. But even while his cheating was despicable, he never stopped trying to make it right.

And while she was (rightfully) angry, Kanijya has been devastated by her boyfriend’s passing. Her Facebook feed is filled with mourning statuses.

Facebook / Kanijya Hilliard
Facebook / Kanijya Hilliard

This situation is surely one that would toy with anybody’s heart. You probably remain angry at your man for cheating, but still, you feel an overwhelming sorry because he is now gone. No love in the world is “perfect” or without flaws, and that was the same with Kanijya and Ayo. May Kanijya find peace with this over time. Thought Catalog Logo Mark