How This Man Reacted To His ‘Virgin’ Wife’s Positive Pregnancy Test Seems A *Little* Naive

Should someone tell him??


This anonymous user was very excited to announce his fiance’s pregnancy on Facebook. It was good news for everyone to hear, so good, he didn’t even check with his fiance before sharing it! He just found a positive pregnancy test in the bathroom.

via Imgur
via Imgur

And here are the comments!

via Imgur
via Imgur

Just like Mary! He proclaimed! Why? Because like Mary, his fiance would be giving a virgin birth, as they had agreed to not have sex until marriage.

“It’s weird!” He says, because they had never had sex before. But I guess the weirdest could be explained by a miracle from God?

But…maybe that’s not the most likely explanation…? Hmm, should somebody tell him? Thought Catalog Logo Mark