Louisiana Man Found ‘Not Guilty’ Of Cutting His Son’s Head Off, Leaving It In Driveway


In August of 2011, Jeremiah Wright decided to murder his son by cutting his head off. He left the head on the driveway of his Thibodaux, Louisiana home and then stuffed the rest of his son’s body parts into garbage bags.

His son, whose name was Jori Loritte, was disabled and relied on adult assistance to function. He was seven-years-old.

Source: via Opposing Views

Wright was arrested for the murder not long after. He was going to face the death penalty, but the judge deemed him not mentality fit.

Wright, in his defense, claimed that he thought he was decapitating a CPR dummy — not his son. He also believed it was apart of some sort of government conspiracy.

“Wright was very matter-of-fact as he calmly explained that he thought for years that Jori was not his son,” says a police report. “Wright said that he recently saw the way the dummy looked at him and there were signs and little things the dummy did to him that let him know that Jori was not his son, but a dummy.” (Source)

However, Wright also claims that he left the head openly on the driveway so that his son’s mother, Jesslyn Loritte, would “feel stupid.”

According to local sources, the entire case has shaken the city’ police officers.

“As a father of a child with special needs, personally I was taking a step back but immediately, those 20-plus years of law enforcement said, these guys, we’ve got to do a professional job and we’re going to do a professional job,” Thibodaux Police Chief Scott Silveri told WVUE.

The court, however, found Wright not guilty by reason of insanity. He will be returned to the mental hospital where he was previously held until further notice. Thought Catalog Logo Mark