Ex-Boyfriend Asks Girl For Date Money Back After Cheating On Her, And What She Does Is EPIC

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A British girl by the name of Harriet recently broke up with her ex-boyfriend Dan after discovering that he was cheating on her with multiple different women. Having absolutely no tolerance for cheating, Harriet immediately ended the relationship.

Just a few days before the revelation of his cheating, however, Dan and Harriet had attended a Justin Bieber concert in the United Kingdom. Dan had bought Harriet’s ticket as a gift. However, even though the breakup was 100% his fault, Dan thought he was entitled to the money back because Harriet had broke up with him only a few days after the concert.

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Even after initially saying that they could part amicably without either paying the other back for anything, Dan became VERY insistent that Harriet give him the money back immediately.

Because Harriet is a classy girl, she did. But in a perfectly HILARIOUS way.

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She set up a direct deposit account through an app similar to Venmo that will send Dan one cent a day for the next 17 years.

And every deposit comes with a special message…

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She gave him exactly what he deserved, and it is brilliant. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Clint Conway

Very famous IRL (at least to my son!)

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