This Arkansas Judge Let Young Men Fuck Their Way Out Of Community Service

And many, many other horrible things.


Meet Judge Joseph Boeckmann, an Arkansas judge who will be stepping down from the court after swapping sex with defendants for reduced criminal sentences.

Youtube / Marci Manley
Youtube / Marci Manley

The investigation into the conduct of Judge Boeckmann initially began many months ago when child pornography was said to be found on his computer, and he was accused of berating his personal staff.

Here’s a picture of him running away from a reporter:

Youtube / Marci Manley
Youtube / Marci Manley

Fifteen pages worth of documents show that Judge Boeckmann propositioned young men who were before his court, offering to reduce their sentences in exchange for sexual favors. He also allowed some young men to serve their “community service” at his house.

Youtube / Marci Manley
Youtube / Marci Manley

In addition to these accusations, the good judge was stupid enough to keep photos of the men he “community serviced” at his house, totaling over 4,500 nude photos of defendants.

“They all depict young men, many naked who are in various poses inside the judge’s home and outside in his yard,” official court documents say. “There are numerous photos of naked young men bending over after an apparent paddling.”

Youtube / Marci Manley

According to other court documents, Judge Boeckmann brought the young men to his home and instructed them on how to “bend over” and “spread their legs further apart.”

In another case, Boeckmann reduced a misdemeanor traffic violation and asked the defendant, identified in court documents as W.M., to bring three bags of cans to his home. After the judge offered him a drink — which he declined — “Boeckmann informed W.M. that he needed W.M. to pull 2 cans from the bags and bend over as if he were picking up the cans.”

The judge then instructed him “on how to pose and spread his legs farther apart,” the document states. (Via NBC)

Judge Boeckmann is promising to hold no further public positions in the state of Arkansas following his conduct. Thought Catalog Logo Mark