How Venus In Gemini Will Make Each Zodiac Sign Explore Their Romantic Options

How Venus In Gemini Will Make Each Zodiac Sign Explore Their Romantic Options

Venus left her home sign Taurus and is ready to have an adventure after being in her comfort zone for the last month. Now that this celestial body is in Gemini, we will be open to exploring the possibilities in our love life.

Our curiosity will wander with this significant change, which will cause us to realize we need to experience the world around us. This is the beauty of Gemini energy, instead of sitting around and waiting for things to happen, you are more inclined to seize the day and go for what you want in love plus other areas of life.

Embrace all things Gemini in your love life:

·       Value quality conversations with others over the ones who have nothing to say

·       Try to look on the Bright side and release any pessimistic viewpoints

·       A witty personality will get you everywhere

·       Go for the ones who have a fabulous sense of humor

·       Don’t be afraid to explore what you want

·       Become the toast of your local area and explore all of the cool hot spots

·       Learn the art of flirting

·       Don’t dumb yourself down for anyone; the right person will love your intellectual side

·       Look for potentials that stimulate your mind

·       Go for the individuals with substance over superficial looks

·       It’s your time to be playful don’t be afraid to explore your adventurous side

·       Leave your options open and don’t put your eggs in one basket

·       Know it’s okay if you don’t feel something immediately you can’t fall in love with everyone you meet

·       Sometimes it’s okay to be detached that way you can think critically about committing to someone rather than rushing into something with an individual that is not your cup of tea

Take this time to honor your intellectual side and use your brain in love.

How Will Venus in Gemini Affect Your Zodiac Sign?

The Gemini energy will put most of you in a social-adventurous mood, so take advantage. I recommend using your Moon, Rising, and of course, your Sun Sign to get the most out of this portion of the reading. You can even mix or match to see how your Astrological make-up fairs in love.


Single and Mingling: Aries, this is a lovely transit for you; Venus in Gemini, brings a ton of adventures to your dating world, which will put you in front of a potential match. Use this time to get out of any slow periods you had in love and enjoy some of the options that come your way. Your best bet is to stay local, try a few live music spots in your area you never know who you’ll end up meeting that night.

All Coupled Up: Venus going into Gemini will bring out the naturally playful qualities in your relationship, and vital energy is just what’s needed. There will be more opportunities to go on a date night, try some things you have been wanting but couldn’t find the time to and let the flirtier side come out to play in your union.


Single and Mingling: Taurus, this month is all about you getting out of your comfort zone and learning to be open to new experiences. You are going to attract the charming types that help you let your hair down. Even though you need security in love, you might find yourself valuing your freedom and just exploring until you are ready to be with someone worth your time.

All Coupled Up: Communicating what you want out of your partner is going to help the two of you move forward in a way that stabilizes your union. Romantically things will be more sensual and verbally affectionate, so this is going to level up the intimacy you’ve been craving for so long.


Single and Mingling: Gemini, it’s your Turn to shine in love!! You will be the center of attention and attract the ones that are more so your type for a change. This energy is going to make it easy for you to be yourself, which will help with feeling confident again in dating situations. Because of all the celestial activity, you can expect in this upcoming month you will also attract Sagittarians, which might be a bit confusing, as well as a few Piscean types.

All Coupled Up: You have your partners attention at this point, so don’t be afraid to tell them what’s bothering you. This is your opportunity to get things right and gain some balance in your relationship. Take this time to have an exciting, adventurous exchange because it will help revive the enjoyable side of your union.


Single and Mingling: Cancer, it’s time for you to clear out what’s not working in your love life and make way for the new possibilities that are waiting for you. In other words, try not to look to the past or old relationships to find love. This is your time to draw in new persons of interest that are better for you because the connection is one that is on a spiritual level, which is just what you need to feel fulfilled.

All Coupled Up: This has been a month where you need more from your partner than usual, which is okay, you deserve affection. Luckily, you gain the devotion and stability you have been wanting in your union and get to talk about your concerns as to where this relationship is going at this point.


 Single and Mingling: Leo, you have an exciting month ahead filled with outings and a ton of new options in love. You are going to attract people who just so happen to be with a group of friends, which is excellent because it will be entertaining hanging with new people. This can also be a situation in which you’re finding out that someone in your friends’ group is interested in a non-platonic way. Additionally, you have a lingering situation in the background with an Aquarius person so they might resurface and give you the vindication you needed for a while now.

All Coupled Up: The friendship side of your relationship comes out, which is impressive because it is going to bring a surprise element of romance to your union. This is because when the two of you are just connecting on a level that doesn’t have the normal relationship pressures, you grow closer together and shake things up in the right way.


Single and Mingling: Virgo, if you have been waiting for a nice change of pace this month is going to be a variety of situations in a decent way for you. You could change your mind a lot about people you are interested in because you aren’t ready to settle for something or someone who doesn’t meet your standards. Organizing your love life in this way is going to help you make the right choice that turns into a healthy relationship.

All Coupled Up: A bunch of fun opportunities comes in to get both of you out and socializing, which is helpful because you are craving a change of pace. Also, your partner finally realizes where they need to step things up and put in the work to win you over again.


Single and Mingling: Libra, there is a ton of harmony coming for you this month in your dating life. It is going to be a time to be open-minded and go out to places that are a little more on the exotic side that you have been curious about for a while. Stepping outside of what your usual comfort zone is going to bring in variety so you will have better dating options and a few with relationship potential.

All Coupled Up: Energetically, your relationship will start to have more harmony and go in a better direction where the two of you can experience growth. Instead of doing the same dinner dates, try something that is cultured or goes on a day trip out of your area, the change of scenery will help spice things up.


Single and Mingling: Scorpio, you have situations coming in that will have you attracting those who have a vibe to them that is spiritual. You will have zero patience for superficial relationships, so going for the types that have something to offer beyond looks will bring comfort to your mind and heart. All of this is great because your attitude will help you filter out whos-who and allow for you to put your focus on someone that is worth your time.

All Coupled Up: Psychically, you and your partner are linked with one another this month, so you’re connecting on a deep soul level. Because you guys are on the same wavelength, there is a lot of ease in your relationship this month. And because you two are pretty much merged with one another, a ton of passion is going to make your intimate life intense again.


Single and Mingling: Sagittarius, try to keep your faith in dating up even if things have been foggy in regards to what direction you should head towards in love. You have a ton of opportunities to meet fun people, and some unexpected run in’s with Pisces and Gemini types. The cool thing is you have a high probability for meeting someone who has relationship potential with all of the cosmic activity you have going on.

All Coupled Up: After a bit of confusion about where things were going, you finally have the answers you need about where your relationship is going, things should stabilize, and you should see more effort from your partner. This will be a month filled with adventure even if it didn’t start that way, so things are looking up for your union.


Single and Mingling: Capricorn, this is an out with the old in with what makes you feel right kind of month. You are going to be finding a way to transform the way you view relationships and go for something that is more emotionally fulfilling. Your dating situations feel like they will be random adventures with people you are familiar with so don’t at all be surprised if the person you bump into on a day to day basis ends up being a new love interest.

All Coupled Up: This month is excellent for your union. Even if you are under stress, you will find that the attempts from your partner comfort you. This is going to be a time where the two of you reciprocate your emotions and do beautiful things for one another.


Single and Mingling: Aquarius, you have some situations coming up that are going to bring in the bold romantic types, which is usually too much for you but this time around you will be open to them. This month you are ready to wrap things up with a situation that need to end and make way for the new in relationships. You have an open mind to those who are affectionate because you are at a point where you are ready to be with someone who is excellent.

All Coupled Up: Affection comes easy at this point in your union. The side of you that generally does not care for the mushy stuff actually will find it enjoyable and embrace your vulnerable side. Things get dramatic in good way for your relationship, and this turns up the passion plus fun adventures, which is so needed.


Single and Mingling: Pisces, this has been an exciting time for you, so this month you get an opportunity to go back and make sense of the fog that has been surrounding your love life. Even if you want to chill and hang back be open to at least some small get-togethers or going out to dinner with your friends, you have some fresh potentials coming in so there might be a few Sagittarians and Geminis coming in for a little fun.

All Coupled Up: Now that you are starting to make sense of things, it is time to put your focus on what is important to you. Your relationship gets the attention it deserves, and your partner might come off more nostalgic than usual, so go and do fun things surrounding history.

Transits to Venus in Gemini

Venus will be making connections to Jupiter, Mars, Neptune, Saturn, and the North Node, so we have a ton of reviewing to do in our relationships. If you would like to see where these planets show up in your Natal Chart go to because this portion of the reading is on a collective level rather than your individual Zodiac Sign.

Venus SemiSquare Mars: Let Your Hair Down and Have No Expectations

Mars and Venus, in this placement, bring in more of the non-committal types than long-term partners. However, you can turn this around and just have fun, meet new people, enjoy the thrill of the chase and just know when you encounter individuals who aren’t relationship potential that you can still just have a fun convo with no expectations of it becoming more.

Venus Sesquiquadrate Saturn: Taking Your Time and Learning How to Be Detached

Saturn coming into this aspect is going to teach you the art of taking it slow and not getting your feelings involved until you know it is worth your time. Also, this could bring in those you had dating situations with that you need to cut ties from.

Venus SemiSquare The North Node: Hanging with Those Who Share Your Interest

Charming people come in with an aspect like this and have a certain appeal about them that pulls you in. Although, things can be more surface level with this energy, try to go with the flow because this is great for turning those people into friends and possibly more if things go slow. This energy can also bring about breakups in superficial relationships, arguments, and ruthless words.

Venus Opposition Jupiter: So Many Options So Little Time

This transit is going to make you push your limit in dating situations. You might find that you’re overbooking yourself and drained when it comes to dating. On a social level, this great for getting out and meeting fun loving individuals. People with a fantastic sense of humor that are generous come in during this kind of aspect as well.

Venus Square Neptune: Use Your Best Judgement In Dating Situations

Healthily channel this energy by doing something artsy, enjoying live music, singing in your car, or do something spiritual to help ground your energy. Otherwise, this is a transit that can cause confusion in dating and relationships, so make sure you are looking at all of the facts when dealing with people who have a lousy track record.

Stimulate Your Lively Side

Have fun this month, the Gemini energy is going to cause you to want a variety of fun situations, and sometimes that is needed when looking for love or keeping your partner on their toes. Let your hair down and embrace your inner Gemini.

About the author

Cleopatra Jade

I’m an Intuitive specializing in Relationship Advice & Astrology.