25 Legitimate Excuses Any Woman Can Use When She Just Doesn’t Feel Like Having Sex

“I would really like to invite you up but…

…I get really attached to someone after we sleep together. Really attached.”
…I’m not ready to tell you about my herpes status.”
…I’m not ready to be disappointed by what appears to be your smaller than average member.”

Have you been in this situation before? You’re not a prude, but sometimes there are any number of reasons why you’re not willing or able to go for the deed on a particular night. And maybe it’s a good thing.

Why? Because waiting to have sex — regardless of religious concerns or affectations of “being hard to get” — puts you in control of the situation and heightens both the desire and anticipation of the inevitable.

What’s more, it also gives you the opportunity to get to know him better. Always a good thing, right?

An article from AskMen seems to think the sweet spot is sometime after the third date but before month three: “There’s a good chance that this kind of gal has a great sex drive. And it’s great that she took the time to get to know you, and let you get to know her … outside the bedroom.”

So what exactly can you tell a guy on a first date (or second or third) that would 1) indicate future interest, but 2) delay the sex act for at least that night? Here are a few lines that you might want to try out if the opportunity arises:

1. My vagina dentata has been acting up lately. It’s quite hungry.

2. You really think the date went that well?

3. I’m pretty tired, I guess I could just lie there and try not to fall asleep.

4. Good luck getting through my extra-strength support panty hose.

5. Um, I’m not ready to be disappointed … yet.

6. I’m riding the crimson wave. And it’s the first day.

7. I’m sorry, but my vagina is tired. (Yawn)

8. I put out on the second date. (Wink)

9. I’ve taken a six-month vow of celibacy.

10. Can we stop at Duane Reade so I can pick up some tampons?

11. It’s too humid right now. Call me in September.

12. You have to earn it, Sporty Spice.

13. I’m getting my birth control refilled tomorrow.

14. What kind of girl do you think I am?

15. I have a seriously upset stomach. It must have been the crabmeat.

16. I could use a waxing, seriously.

17. I have standards. You need to at least buy me dinner. Twice.

18. I’m allergic to latex.

19. Listen, we aren’t having sex tonight.

20. I have a (insert number) date rule.

21. My philosophy is: Good things come to those who wait.

22. I’m on a Puritan cleanse. I’m delaying present pleasures for future pay-offs.

23. We should probably get tested before we do anything.

24. I’ll meet you halfway. Phone sex?

25. I really like you and I’m attracted to you, but I’d like to wait a little before we sleep together. Not forever, not a really long time, just a little longer, OK? Thought Catalog Logo Mark

This post originally appeared at YourTango.

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Claire Daniel

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