Chris Bedell

Chris Bedell’s previous publishing credits include essays on Thought Catalog, short stories on Crab Fat Literary Magazine,, Quail Bell Magazine, Pidgeonholes Magazine, Abbreviate Journal, creative nonfiction personal essays on Inklette Magazine, Sprout Magazine, and Entropy Magazine.

Articles by
Chris Bedell

Fascism Has Come To America

“Hitler blamed Jewish people for Germany’s problems. So, it’s only natural that people might get a little nervous when Trump and/or his surrogates make comments about a Muslim registry.”

Why I’m Voting For Hillary Clinton Even If I’m Not Her Biggest Fan

I might not be screaming my support for Hillary Clinton from the rooftops, but I’m “with her” (as the social media slogan says). Because all joking aside, Trump saying, “I’ll make America great again” really does sound like something that would have been featured in a Stalin or Nazi Germany propaganda film.

20 Truths About Grieving The Loss Of A Parent In College

Just because the person is dead doesn’t mean his or her life didn’t matter. Even if the idea is naïve, a person’s life should transcend death. A person shouldn’t be irrelevant just because of death. People deserve to be memorialized.