Ranking The Cast Of This Season Of ‘The Real World’ By How Terrible Of A Person They Are

Chris is just a bully who has inexplicably convinced himself that he is a good person.


Ranked from least terrible to most terrible:

CeeJai Jenkins

The Real World
The Real World

Ceejai is the best person on this season. Ceejai has overcome incredible obstacles in life and become a strong, open-minded person who as a tenacious ability to find silver-linings in life.

She beats the shit out of Jenna and I’m the last person in the world to say violence is okay, but I think MTV is really at fault for this. Ceejai is visibly over her limit for a long period of time. Jenna should have been kicked out of the house after she attacked Ceejai to begin with. You can’t lock someone in a room with someone insulting them, watch it escalate to this level, and not expect this to happen. What any sane person does here — and what Ceejai would have done on her own — is to not put themselves in this situation, which of course does not make good TV.

Ceejai views her violence as a show of weakness, which is the right reaction here.

Sabrina Kennedy

The Real World
The Real World

Sabrina could maybe be the best person on this season, but she’s too boring to know for sure. “Boring” on reality tv generally means good things — but only off screen. She doesn’t yell at people, she doesn’t stir up drama, she just seems like a good friend and presence in the house.

Dean Plange

The Real World
The Real World

Like Sabrina, Dean may be near the top of the ranking simply because he’s boring on TV. But he seems affable with most people and patient with Jenna’s insane beliefs. He passively participates in the bullying of Jenna, but to a much smaller degree than the others.

Dylan Moore

The Real World
The Real World

Dylan is a stripper with a heart of gold.

Dylan gets on the show and immediately dumps his girlfriend back home for the bright shiny objects in the house. But you can tell he has a good heart and he seems genuinely disturbed by the house bullying Jenna. Even though he later agrees with their assessment, he is open-minded enough to discover what she’s really like for himself. It’s very endearing to see how much a small amount of positive attention means to her after months of bullying.

Kailah Casillas

The Real World
The Real World

There’s not a lot of substance to Kailah. She’s very, very, very young. She needs to get a job or go to school or figure out how to do something that gives her confidence so she can be happy in whatever that is instead of needing attention from everyone else so badly. She is young though, there’s a lot of time in her life for her to do this.

She gets to be above Jenna though because I was impressed by how she called her out for being a racist while it was happening. This is better than bullying after the fact because she literally tries to explain why what she was doing is not okay versus just calling her names or ignoring her.

Jenna Thomason

The Real World
The Real World

Jenna lives in a world where people say things like “go pick some cotton, bitch” to Ceejai which is utterly mind-blowing for me as a viewer and her roommates in the house. She’s racist and she’s homophobic, but she genuinely doesn’t know any better. This Real World house was what she desperately needed — time to live with people she has violent misconceptions about and change her mind in the only way people every change their minds: through relationships and experiencing other people’s stories. Unfortunately, her roommates instead spend the time trying to change her mind in the way no one in the history of the world ever changes their mind: through ostracizing and bullying her. It honestly makes me super sad to see this missed opportunity because there’s hope for Jenna. She doesn’t want to be a bad person, but she’s a product of her upbringing and she has to be challenged in the right way.

Dione Mariani

The Real World
The Real World

Dione escalates the situation between Jenna and Ceejai to blows. While Jenna is drunk and hurting because she was just rejected by her love interest Dione screams at her “shut the fuck up he doesn’t give a fuck about you” which seems cold-hearted to the point that it’s primal and just savage. Who tries to hurt someone else like this? Especially when the matter at hand doesn’t concern them at all.

Chris Ammon Hall

The Real World
The Real World

Chris is the worst person in this Real World house. He has gone through some tough stuff in life — being a poly person growing up in conservative mormonism — but he hasn’t learned from it. When Ceejai hits Jenna she feels terrible and realizes it was weakness and not the right thing to do. Chris jokes about spitting in her face and calling her a bitch. He’s not more open-minded for having struggled through other people’s close-mindedness. He’s not more loving or accepting for having dealt with other people not loving or accepting him. He’s a bully who has inexplicably convinced himself he’s a good person. Thought Catalog Logo Mark