Christine Schoenwald
The Suprising Relationship Between Chronic Lateness And Optimism
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to wait outside of a restaurant or bar while I waited for my tardy friends.
This Simple Reason Is Why We’re So Addicted To Tinder
Flirting can feel like a secret language that everyone knows…except you.
Study Claims Narcissists Are Just Really Needy People
Everybody knows a narcissist, but not everybody has a parent who’s one. My mother is a huge narcissist — she makes everything about her, and the comfort of others is never her concern.
Get Rid Of Toxic Girl Friends To Dramatically Improve Your Life
You always remember your first, and my number one mean girl was my mother.
8 Real Reasons Why Two Crazy Cat People Make The Perfect Couple
We are like the Brady Bunch, only with cats! When I first met Andy on an online dating site, we both mentioned that we liked cats. There was nothing on either of our profiles that not loving cats was a deal-breaker.