Yes, There’s Beauty In Heartbreak (Even If You Can’t See It Quite Yet)


Breakups of any kind are perhaps one of the most challenging things we go through. There is so much that gets triggered that sometimes it feels like we will never get to the other side of it. And if there was infidelity or betrayal of any kind, oh boy can the gap between devastation and acceptance feel even wider!

But like any expectation hangover, there is beauty in all breakups.

Of course, we have to feel and heal the emotions that are natural to feel during the loss of a relationship without indulging in them. Then there comes a point where we must ask: “What am I learning?” and “What was my part in this?” As we ask those questions, we unlock something that is critical to our growth and healing.

When a relationship ends we are never 100 percent victims. We need to take 100 percent responsibility for our 50 percent of the relationship. That said, we must do so without self-judgment or blame. We must accept that we did the best we could with what we had at the time, and we now have an opportunity to do better moving forward.

This is the opportunity this week’s caller on the podcast is facing. Emma is newly separated and having trouble moving forward in her life. She wants to focus on building her business but finds herself battling with self-doubt and procrastination. Emma is taking ownership of the issue and has a high-level of self-awareness about it, but she needs to uncover what is holding her back.

We discover what her number one block is in our session. Go here to listen.

I really encourage you to listen to this episode even if you are not going through a break up because I teach a lot about intimacy and how we block it in our lives. We ALL crave intimacy. People want to know us, and feel like they are getting the real us—the whole us. It is hard to love someone that is wearing a mask or people pleasing all the time because we do not know how they really feel.

Some topics we cover in this episode:

  • What intimacy truly is (and how we often avoid it even though we really want it)
  • The pitfalls of people pleasing
  • How we withhold love
  • Why emotional suppression impacts our ability to feel motivated
  • Getting over procrastination

This is an incredibly moving and inspiring episode so don’t miss it! Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Christine Hassler

Christine Hassler is a keynote speaker, retreat facilitator, spiritual psychologist and life coach, and host of a top-rated podcast.

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