Escape The Hell That Is Porn. This Is How You Do It.

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No, its not the title of an upcoming documentary about my life.

Some men, despite their numerous attempts to quit watching porn, have unfortunately reached a stage where they accept their eternal addiction to pornography use. You still struggle with your porn use, but its the useless struggle of a man whose life sentence has already been handed down and who finds himself in solitary confinement deep within the prison of his mind. His Porn Hell.

I’m going to suggest something crazy. It may sound a bit preachy, but I am going into my 6th year of no masturbation or porn use from 11+ years of daily compulsive use, so I feel that I have a little bit of expertise on this. I believe that any amount of peace and contentment that you desire can be extracted from your most futile struggles with pornography addiction. Whether you watch porn and masturbate 12 times a day, live in shame of your now very obvious erectile dysfunction, or are developing a disturbing real-life sexual compulsion due to your addiction, happiness, contentment, peace and growth are all hidden gems within these “struggles”.

Your struggle is not contained in the situation that gave rise to it, but in the mental state in which your view that struggle. Your “colored lenses” through which you see the struggle.

Your struggle is not contained in the situation that gave rise to it, but in the mental state in which your view that struggle.

A problem which is incredibly difficult for a 5-year-old boy presents no difficulty to the mature mind of a 31 year old man and the problems facing an uneducated, illiterate 31-year-old who stand around perplexed with his situation, would not be an issue for an educated, literate and intelligent man of the same age.

To the unschooled and undeveloped mind of the 5-year-old child, the difficulties involved in learning a simple lesson may seem enormous and insurmountable. Many anxious hours and days,perhaps even months are spent in understanding this lesson and many more tears are shed at the hopelessness of mastering this in-scalable mountain of difficulty.

Yet, the truth is that the difficulty is only the ignorance of the 5-year-old and understanding the lesson is a necessity for the development of the child’s intelligence, usefulness in society, fulfillment and happiness.

As the child grows older, he again and again runs into insurmountable walls which increase in difficulty. He much scale each one, because they are all necessary for his growth and development. Each wall is experience, intelligence and wisdom gained, an important lesson learned and the contentment of achieving a milestone builds the child’s self-esteem.

Ask yourself: What is the real nature of your struggle with porn? Isn’t it just a situation which you have not fully understood from every possible angle? If not, you wouldn’t be on this site trying to understand and quit. As a result, your porn addiction requires the development and use of more mental resources than you have used up to this point in your life. Conquering it demands that you dig deeper into yourself and pull out hidden resources that you never knew you had.

As a result, it is an “angel” disguised as a teacher and a friend. When you pay attention to it, it leads you to a higher level than you are right now. I know overcoming my porn addiction has made me a stronger man-you will become stronger as well.

Without struggle in your life, there would be no progress, no growth, no evolution. As a species, we would stagnate.

As a man, you must smile when confronted with great struggles in your life. It is a sign that through your laziness, indifference and just plain pursuit of mindless pleasure, you’ve reached the end of the line and now have to dig deep to pull yourself out.

No situation or struggle is difficult. Its the lack of understanding and insight into how it works that creates the struggle. Your porn addiction was not an accident. You didn’t “screw up”. In your life right now, its a call to grow, a call to evolve in your own way.

Your porn addiction was not an accident. You didn’t “screw up”. In your life right now, it’s a call to grow, a call to evolve in your own way.

No matter how tightly you have tied yourself up, no matter how deep into the jungle of fear, pain, ignorance or regret you have wandered, you can always find your way out again, you can always find your way back to that lost highway of a peaceful and simple life which leads to the beautiful and sunny city of happiness.

Anxiety and excessive thinking will only exaggerate the size of your struggle. All you need to do is focus and retrace your steps to find out exactly how you landed in this situation. The next step will be to thoroughly understand the root causes of your addiction and compulsions.

Don’t ever look at your struggle with pornography as negative. Look at the struggle as an opportunity to grow as a man. Don’t run away from it-thats impossible.Wherever you go, there you are. Meet your addiction calmly, courageously;analyze it, understand its details, figure out how strong it is in your life, attack it and finally, destroy it. In this process, you will develop a new level of understanding of yourself-a new intelligence as well as inner strength. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Chris Haven

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