5 Steps To Get Laid Using Tinder

5. Breakdown

In both cases, I used the same very basic formula:

1. Get her attention and her number: I always tell them as soon as possible that they are cute / attractive. Because I’ve done a great job on my profile pictures, I usually get a compliment back in return. If she doesn’t respond to my compliment, I will immediately ask her. “Aren’t you going to tell me that I look cute as well?” (Credit Chris at goodlookingloser.com  *possible trigger images*).The next and MOST IMPORTANT step is that I ask her to do something for me! Usually, its recommendation to a bar. Why do I do this? Its called the Benjamin Franklin effect. “The Benjamin Franklin Effect states that once a person has done you a favor they will be more likely to do you another favor.”

In this case, it is not a favor, but we are trying to get her number as soon as possible. Consequently, I give her my number and tell her to text me because its “easier”. Girls are more likely to text you when you give out more number first. They are even more likely to do so when they are invested in you.

2. Meet her that night: Always go for the meet up that night. There are a hundred guys messaging her at the same time. I know because, I had every girl I hooked up with show me their tinder app and I read the messages other guys were sending them. Heck, I even had girl setting up future dates with guys as I was using the bathroom!

The longer you wait for the meet up , the less likely you will have sex with her. If you are in a different town, make sure that you mention that you are new in town. This exponentially increases you chances of meeting up that day.

There you go! Go forth and get laid. Feel free to post any results, comments or questions in the comment box below.


About the author

Chris Haven

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