5 Steps To Get Laid Using Tinder

3. Technique

Swipe right. Let me explain something to you, guys. In the real world, women get to pick and choose who they want to sleep with. Getting laid for men is a numbers game, with the probability of you getting laid increasing as you improve you looks, lifestyle, Game and social status.

With Tinder, you’ve got your looks down and sub-communicated your status. Your next step is to play the numbers game. Don’t fall into the trap of looking for attractive women and discounting those you don’t find attractive.

The reason for this is that it is a WASTE OF TIME. If you were to pause at every third girl you found moderately attractive, check out her pictures and read her tagline, you just wasted a few precious seconds.

Swipe and get as many matches as possible. If you live in a large city of 1 million+ residents and you have followed my above instructions, you WILL get multiple matches.You can filter for the girls you find attractive as the matches line up. I prefer to get 6-10 matches before I start messaging.

4. Messaging

The purpose of messaging is two fold:

  1. To Screen the girl and see if she is looking to get laid, or DTF.
  2. To Get her number.

Send out messages to all your matches. Remember – you are looking to meet up with women on tinder THAT DAY. As in, within a 24 hour period.

Here’s a sample from one of the girls I hooked up with. I was messaging with a few other girls as well. I’ve included two examples of interactions where I hooked up with chicks: one for travelling men and one for men who don’t travel as much. These are WORD for WORD without any editing.

Non-travelling men: This was a 20-year-old college student at a local college.

On Tinder:

Me: hey hey

Jenna: hey!

Me: What’s up cutie :)

Jenna: At the library working on a group project…what u doin?

Me: At the gym letting out some stress – long day. Tough project or so-so?

Jenna: ugh soso over it though”

Me: Lol – I feel your pain. Text me xxx-xxx-xxxx- easier

Jenna: O.k!


Jenna: “Heyyy”

Me: Yo! Can you give me a recommendation for a decent bar in town? BTW, you’re really attractive, Jenna!

Jenna: Thanks! You’re pretty handsome, yourself !What are you into? ___,___,_____- are good.

Me: o.k, I’ll check them out-you should come over for a drink when you are done with your project.

Jenna: Where do you live?

Me: ______ by___________ street

Jenna: I’d love to but, my car got swiped yesterday and is not in the best condition for driving

Jenna: You could always come over to my place for a drink…

Me: K-I’m getting off from the gym now- gonna shower. Text me you address and I’ll let you know before I come over.

Jenna: * Address*

I went over to her place – she told me her roommates were at the library all night (it was finals week last week), so chilled and drank for about 30 mins. I asked her to show me her room and once we were inside, I pulled her to me. Make out, condoms, bang.

The next example is  for men who travel a lot, which I believe is where the beauty of tinder reveals itself, because you can get higher quality(better looking educated,sophisticated,more interesting) women – especially if you travel out of a smaller town with less going on. Again, it’s a real interaction which happened last week.

On Tinder:

Me: Heyy what’s up- dang! You are cute!

Jess: Hey thanks :) you are pretty dang cute yourself

Me: Thank you :) I’m visiting Dallas-making new friends, but the weather is killing me!

Jess: “Visiting from where?”

Jess: And yes, the weather is terrible!

Me: From LA. You look like a sophisticated lady-what bars do you recommend in the downtown area?

Jess: Haha-take me to LA with you.Whats your scene? Theres a party at_____ that my friend is promoting , techno music at______ and a cool dj at _____

I honestly haven’t been out in awhile, but I’ll be going out tonight.

Me: Hey-text me, its much easier xxx-xxx-xxxx


At this point she texts me:

Jess: Heyy, Its Jess

Me: O.k – you are quite the resource! I will look them up later and perhaps bar hop.Hopefully find something with a dancefloor.

Hit me up later and if you end up in a really fun place!

Jess: O.k!

Three hours later…

Jess: Did you find somewhere to go?

Me: “Yes! Bar____. Its banging in here!”

Jess: “Haha ok! I’m at_____ . Theres a dancefloor…just sayin,lol.

Me: Theres a bigger dancefloor here- come over, its a 3 min cab ride.What are you drinking?I’ll have one waiting for you.

Jess: I’m in the line-come get me.

And that was that, men. I took her back to my hotel room and tore it up.


About the author

Chris Haven

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