Chloe Angyal

The Big “O”

The Australian “O” sound is a very distinctive one: it contains at least four vowel sounds, and it’s almost impossible to transcribe here.

Dance And Eating Disorders: The Search For The Perfect Form

I stopped dancing around the same time I decided to stop starving myself. If I was really going to kick my eating disorder, if I was really going to, in the cringe-inducing terms of the body love movement, “make friends with my body,” it probably wasn’t a good idea, I figured, to put it in a leotard and spend many hours a week in a room full of mirrors.

You’re Not A Feminist If You Call Halloween Costumes “Slutty”

Much has been said in the last few years about the word “slut,” about its power and the potential for its reclamation. I won’t open that can of worms here. But I will say that to lament the sexualization of young girls while using the word “slut” is to completely miss the point.

Honest Away Messages

“Thank you for your email. I am out of the office until the end of Sukkot because as far as management is concerned, I am very, very, very Jewish.”

How Not To Touch A Woman

For years, your body was your own. You taught it to do things, amazing things, that looked impossible to outsiders but that, eventually, settled in your muscle memory and became easy.