Chelsea Temple


Articles by
Chelsea Temple

A Fangirl’s Reflection On One Direction’s Last Goodbye

The drama around the last single and its last-second change caused quite a stir. The rather radio-worthy ballad “Infinity” was replaced by the dull pop track, “History.” The message behind the video was clear. One Direction had announced their hiatus with no definite date of when they would come back, solo deals were already in the works, and unlike the band’s last four albums, Made In The A.M would not be getting its own tour. One Direction was done.

I Don’t Want To Be Loved

All I kept thinking was how fast can I get back to my car and get out of this awkward arm lock thing we had going on. I hated it.

Breakup Whiplash: What It Is And 3 Ways To Avoid It

Relationships aren’t easy, and breakups are worse than anyone really talks about, but taking the time to consider your actions and follow these steps could save both of you from more heartache in the future.