Chelsea Leigh Trescott
A Breakup Coach, Advice Columnist, and the Podcast Host of Thank You Heartbreak.
Articles by
Chelsea Leigh Trescott
30 Pieces Of Timeless Dating Advice That I Wish I’d Started Following Sooner
If you catch yourself playing games, sit yourself down and ask what’s really going on.
You Are Still Very Much Alive In Me
In other words, try as you might, but darling, we are not dead to each other.
My First Healing Step Post-Breakup
I knew the letter I wanted would never get written and the reflection that I was so desperately chasing would never be shared with me.
When You Break Up With Someone You Still Love
When you aren’t angry with someone, there’s nothing to project. When you haven’t lost yourself, there’s no one to go searching for.
Bless Your Life By Forgiving Yourself
It was where the experience with myself began to get better.
Wake Up, Nothing Lasts Forever
I hope you find a way to excite the people in front of you today and, so importantly, I hope you excite yourself.
Loving You Is A Privilege That Won’t Always Be Mine
We should indulge in each other. We should savor each other. We should look closer, lean in further, and be more tender.
The Bravest Choice Is To Care More Than Most
I have to feel it all. Otherwise, I’m missing myself.
When I Say Sorry, I Mean Thank You
The truth is, we really are a compilation of all the people we have ever loved, of all the people we have ever been seen and held by.
This Is How You Solve All Of Your ‘Almost Relationship’ Problems
The easiest, most knee-jerk reaction to an “almost” relationship of any kind is regret, resentment, and even pity.
Here’s Why You’ve Got To Let Him Go
I’m warning you that staying can turn into weakness and that weakness can become a trap and you might not even see it for what it is until one sleepless night a decade later.
This Is How You Know You’re In A Relationship That’s Right
That’s what “right” means to me, it means honest.
This Is How You Stop Dwelling On What Could’ve Been
If you want to make peace with your past, you’ll need to let go of this dream that your past could have gone any other way and trust that how it went is how it was meant to go.
This Is The Reason We Laugh At Our Eating Disorders
Eating disorders really are the last effort we take to continue keeping it all inside.
When All You Need Is Your Father’s Hug
he was afraid because our children make us question everything when they are trying to forgive what we would not
This Is Why ‘Loving’ You Long-Distance Just Wasn’t Enough
Those miles would kill you you told me I laughed at my own independence
I’m Done With Thinking I’m Not Enough
We must push our own knowing out into the world. Through small and simple and excruciating efforts, we must show ourselves how enough we are, how we are more—so much more—when we do not hold back
5 Extremely Simple, Yet Satisfying Things To Do After A Breakup Instead Of Talking To Your Ex
The reality is, having one last talk with our ex is rarely ever a wish for one last talk.