Chelsea Forbes-Terry
25 Things I’ve Learned About Love At 25
Everyone deserves to be loved!
This Is Why I Hate To Call It A Quarter-Life Crisis
There’s something about turning twenty-five that feels like a life event for many people. The internet is littered with articles and blogs about the, “quarter life crisis.”
Are You There God? It’s Me, Gen Y
We are all looking for something, searching for validation and connection in so many things that can’t bring us happiness.
7 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Facebook Stalk Their Ex
Let’s just be honest, we’ve all at some point made the questionable mistake of looking up our current flame’s ex boyfriend or girlfriend.
How This Patriots Fan Feels About ‘Deflategate’
Hi, my name is Chelsea and I am a New England Patriots fan.
What Women Really Think Is The Sexiest Thing About Men
Because there are a million factors that make a man sexy, and some of them are definitely NSFW.
How To Plan For The Unplanned in Life
Some people believe that you can never plan for the unexpected. But I believe that you can, to some extent, plan for the curve balls life throws at you.
18 Occasions When Taking A Shower Is Just The Best
1. On a cold day when all you want is to feel your toes again.
6 Tips For Successfully Attending Your Work Holiday Party
1. If you’re bringing a date or significant other make sure you let them know what is public information and what is not.
The Biggest Threat To Black America Isn’t Justice, It’s Access
Yesterday I wandered across an article about 32 of the hottest Startup CEOs. It was all very captivating until around number 26 or 27, when I realized I hadn’t seen a single black face.
18 Ways You Know You’ve Gone From Friends To Best Friends
7. The best time you’ve ever had with them was the time you went grocery shopping together.
14 Things College Doesn’t Prepare You For (At All)
I think it would have been nice if institutions of higher education offered a class on the red flags of a crazy person.
12 Things I’ll Do Differently In My Next Relationship
1. I’ll nag less and encourage more
14 Reasons Why You Should Go Vote Today
Whatever you believe in is worth voting for today.
An Open Letter To The Guys Who Never Text Back
To all the guys who have ever started texting a girl, only to at some point to disappoint them by never texting them back ever again, I have message for you – you are the worst.
Halloween After College
You somehow manage to get out of the store spending $20 more than you thought. You try on your costume again only to see a small hole in it – figures.
The 6 People You Turn Into When You Have A Really Bad Cold
It’s that time of year again people – time to get your flu shots and pray for mercy while silently evaluating how many sick days you have left.