Chelsea Fagan
Chelsea Fagan founded the blog The Financial Diet. She is on Twitter.
21 Items Every Girl Needs In Her Closet This Spring
There is no item more essential in any woman’s closet come spring than a basic, functional, well-tailored trench coat.
13 Things Men Think Women Do To Impress Them (LOL, No)
“You look like a clown,” a hater hisses upon seeing your turquoise eyeshadow. “I look like a mermaid,” you respond, flawlessly.
21 Things You Suddenly Start Wanting In Your Mid-20s
You want them on everything. You want them in all patterns, all colors, all fabrics.
23 Signs You’ve Retired From Being The Crazy Girl
You catch yourself giving sage, almost weary advice to girls who are no more than two years younger than you. (You punctuate this advice with, “You’re so young.”)
21 Amazing Things You Can Only Do When No One’s Looking
Buying an ice cream with some kind of chunks in it and proceeding to excavate all the chunks out and then leave the rest of the ice cream in the freezer for the next few months.
23 Ridiculous Customer Behaviors All Retail Workers Have Seen
Walking around the store and just sort of… putting something back on the shelf, about a half mile from where it’s supposed to go, in full view of an employee.
23 Basic Bitch Activities That Everyone Secretly Enjoys
Owning a Bebe bandage dress, and spending the whole night alternating between “feeling sexy” and “pulling it down your thighs because it keeps riding up.”
17 Reasons To Be An Au Pair At Least Once
Finding a family is a lot like online dating, and you can set your own terms before you decide on one.
21 Signs You’re On A White Girl’s Instagram
An outfit consisting of a chunky sweater, leggings or skinny jeans, riding boots, and an oversized scarf.
17 Things You Learn From Growing Up In The South
A childhood in the south is an interesting thing. It provides a very clear picture of the kind of America most northerners make fun of, but often don’t understand.
9 Items In A Guy’s House That Let You Know He’s A Keeper
This is one of the most basic items in a Grown Man™’s house, but it is one of the most important.
The 7 Guys You Will Date Before You Meet The Right One
It’s hard to say whether or not this guy counts as someone you “dated,” because all parties involved know that it was just a glorified booty call that occasionally bled into dinners together at cheap diners.
17 Things That Only Happen When You’ve Been Dating Someone Forever
You have mastered the art of “coordinating what you order at restaurants so that the two of you can share and maximize your tasting opportunities.”
The 8 Types Of Single People You Meet At Happy Hour
Positioning themselves in the light to look most like their flattering profile photo, as well as hoping against hope that their date will be as good-looking as promised, they can barely contain themselves.
Tell Us The Best Pickup Line You’ve Ever Heard
So what, for you, is the best opening line that you’ve ever seen? Something that made the person laugh, smile, or at least just not feel like they were being hit on by a joke book?
17 People On The Most Important Thing They Wish They’d Learned Sooner
“People are going to talk behind your back no matter what you do, and no matter how old you are.”
16 Unattractive Things Everyone Does Without Realizing It
In a moment of emotion, allowing your personal problems to leak onto social media in a very un-personal way.
23 Things You Should Never Say To A Barista
“Can I have a dry soy cappuccino?”