Chelsea Fagan
Chelsea Fagan founded the blog The Financial Diet. She is on Twitter.
I Want To See You On Sunday
I want to recover over runny eggs and bacon and big stacks of pancakes. We’ll sit in the corner booth, just like we did at the bar, but this time we’ll be drinking coffee and talking about how much fun we had.
13 Simple Dating Rules We Should All Start Following
I don’t know about you, but I think there is still something very sexy and wonderful about building up just to the first kiss.
32 Women On The Sexiest Thing A Guy Has Ever Said To Them
(We were sitting in a restaurant at this point, and he had been looking out my mouth over and over again.)
Why Carrie Bradshaw Is The Worst Possible Person A Woman Could Idolize
She was shallow, superficial, clothes-obsessed, emotionally needy, financially illiterate, and more concerned with the man she was or wasn’t dating than literally anything else in her life.
17 Important Truths You Learn By Dating Someone From Another Country
Getting into arguments about which country is better is just about the worst thing you can do.
The 13 People You Meet At Community Theatre
All this techie does is scowl at people, tell everyone to clean up after themselves, smoke cigarettes, and do an excellent job.
13 Signs You’re A Grown Ass Woman
You date people who have their stuff together, emotionally, and are long past the point in your life where you want to be waiting by your phone for days on end to see if your semi-boyfriend will text you back.
A Love Letter To A Best Friend
We always reserved the time and energy for each other that people are so used to associating with romantic relationships. We defied the rules about what you do with your friends, and what you do with your partners. In many ways, we have been partners. We’ve supported and cared for one another more deeply than a lot of our “real” relationships.
23 Mildly Embarrassing Signs You Lived In France
Supermarket cheese aisles depress you in a profound, almost existential way.
21 Secret Struggles Of Being A Girly Girl
Immediately wanting to order the pink, bubbly, fancy cocktails, but feeling judged by the bartender and everyone around you for being so predictable. (But it’s delicious!! And pink!!)
How You Will Know When Someone Loves You
With them, it won’t be some race for who can seem to care less. The silence of your phone will no longer torment you with questions of what you did wrong.
21 Compelling Reasons Why Florida Should Be Kicked Out Of The United States
It’s high time we just took that giant table saw of democracy and severed Florida off to float in the Atlantic. Here is why.
21 Completely PG-Rated Things That Are Incredibly Sexy
Hugging for just a second or two too long, so you’re not sure if they actually meant to do it or you just imagined it.
17 Simple Daily Rituals That Make Life Immediately Better
It sounds silly, and maybe even looks silly, but it’s so worth it.
17 Things The Guy Who Marries Your BFF Needs To Know
BFF Time™ is a sacred event, and if you interfere with our ability to get together on at least a bi-weekly basis to drink mimosas and complain about people, we’re going to have a problem.
7 Words Women Use To Describe Men (And What They Really Mean)
This dude has cried in or around the bed. He asks to talk to your mother. He probably texts upwards of ten times a day and often just checks in “to see how you’re doing.”
17 Things You Suddenly Start Doing When You Get An Office Job
Getting locked in vicious coffee/tea/bathroom cycles.
13 Reasons It’s Better To Be The Person Who Cares More
Pretending to be cool and aloof and not care about things when you definitely do care is very, very hard. I’m capable of pretending to be cool for about twenty minutes until I’ve exhausted myself completely.