Chelsea Fagan
Chelsea Fagan founded the blog The Financial Diet. She is on Twitter.
What I Think I Look Like Vs. What I Actually Look Like
In my mind, I ooze charm and coolness — there is never an occasion in which I’m not a wink and a subtle nod away from going home with seven European male models. In my mind.
Celine Dion Is The Best Part Of Being Alive
And no, not Beyonce or Lady Gaga or whatever other pitiful facsimile of a Diva our generation has managed to scrounge up, I’m talking about real ones. Tina, Whitney, Barbra, Cher, and — in my opinion, most importantly, Celine.
You Have Such Beautiful Hands
It is as though they are less a person and more an amalgam of everything they have done, everything they mean to you. And when you look at them, across a table or while they’re still asleep, there is so very much there to see.
Flakes Of The World: Please Get It Together
They are already clicking “maybe” on the Facebook event of life, actually inviting them to something on social media seems a bit redundant.
10 Disney Princes And Whether Or Not You Should Marry Them
We all know that no one is more of a model for your own future knight-in-shining-armor than a good, old-fashioned Disney Prince.
Big Girl, You Are Beautiful (Within Reason)
It’s disgusting to have entire generations of people growing up thinking they are ugly simply because they are an average human size. And the FAM is right on in its assertions that being overweight doesn’t necessarily imply poor health — for the most part.
First-Date Tips For Straight Guys
So while you break out your shiniest 70s leisure suit, make sure to order only a vintage bottle of Andre, and seal this second-date deal right here and now, here are a few tips to make sure that all will go its best.
10 Most Crucial Middle School Dance Jams
Usually kicking off right after school and continuing into the dusky hours when your parents would line up to take you home, they were those tender moments in which you could fall in love, break a heart, or just be the kid painfully attempting to break dance in the middle of the circle.
New Year's Resolution: Only Buying Clothes That Actually Fit
You check the size, and it’s… more or less your size. You slip it on and, uhh, it pretty much fits. If you don’t move your arms too far forward and you don’t button the second button, yeah, you can get this thing on.
Husband Material, Vol. 5: Jon Hamm
While, no, technically you will not be marrying Don Draper, you can rest assured that you are marrying a man both sexy and intuitive enough to bring to life such an incredible character (and make us lust for him, despite his apparent lack of a soul).
You Guys, I Am So Old
I just, no matter how much wrinkle cream I preemptively put around my eyes in hopes of staving off those unfortunate early-thirties crow’s feet, I’ll never feel like I’m truly staying young enough. I see 20-year-olds running around my neighborhood and, Christ, they have so much time ahead of them.
If Only My Friends Could Stop Sleeping With Each Other
I have friends who refuse to talk to each other for this very reason, and that magical spell will only be broken once one of them misguidedly hooks up with another friend and can transfer that awkward tension to yet another in a series of human mistakes.
How Drunk Should You Get In Your Holiday Clothes?
Anything we do is immediately rendered charming and “festive” (the universal code word for the perpetual drunkenness and gluttony of the holidays) because we look like something off a CMT Christmas Variety Show. Our grandmothers would find us adorable, even as we are vigorously heaving hot toddies into the bathroom sink.
Five Things That My High School Classmates Are Now Doing
It’s strange to see how people just make U-turns or go off in incredibly strange directions at the drop of a hat at this age, when we’re largely free — and most of us can’t find good employment. And though there are of course exceptions to every rule, the people I once danced to Boyz II Men at prom with are now mostly doing 1 of 5 things.
Everyone Should Work A Service Job
And that’s the thing that I have now grown to resent about my friends and acquaintances who’ve never had to work these jobs, they are almost without fail the people who have no qualms about being absolute toads towards the people serving them.
You Don’t Need To Say Anything
There are bridges I have burned out of necessity. Yours was simply abandoned, left untended for years until weeds grew through it and the railing fell apart and it became something you might take a black-and-white picture of, but you could never cross again.
10 More Things 90s Kids Will Have To Explain To Their Children
Here, a primer for when your future children want to know what the hell you were doing with your boxy, multicolored electronics.
Celebrity Math
Michael Cera + 50 years + an overly eager support of the adoption process = Woody Allen