Chelsea Fagan

Chelsea Fagan founded the blog The Financial Diet. She is on Twitter.

How To Date A Loser

Write a veritable essay of thoughts and feelings, receive a sparse “heh” or “lol” in return. Feel like a complete idiot every time you receive a response.

6 Reasons Not To Get Back With Your Ex

We all know that tragic couple who is constantly having some Maury-esque fight, vowing never to speak to each other again, sleeping together a week later, and putting that relationship right back up on Facebook the next day.

How Things End

In new apartments, in a school program, in relationships — even when the end is not perfectly clear, I am always acutely aware that there is an end, and that I won’t like it.

What It Means To Be Young

One day you should want a home, a spouse, a child, a dog — and you’re not sure that you want any of those things.

6 Things You Learn From A Summer Fling

Somehow we can convince ourselves, at the beginning of June, that we’ll be fine when the end of August rolls around and it’s time to put things behind us. And yet, when that moment comes, we often start scrambling to make it work through the distance, the difficulty, and the new opportunities of the fall.

What A Good Teacher Can Do

And in practice, we can be so cruel to teachers. Speaking personally, I went to middle and high schools where respect for authority wasn’t exactly at the top of the priority list. And even if the students weren’t throwing chairs at each other and/or the teacher, they likely still weren’t being decent.

An End-Of-Summer Checklist

11. Sat on a roof, drinking beer and watching the sun set behind the buildings, feeling like a living Instagram photo.

How To Miss Another City

Spend a lot of time — too much time — looking at tickets online to go back as soon as possible. Think constantly about all the things you could be doing, the things you are missing out on, the people who are growing and changing and having nights out without you.

The 10 Hottest Nerds: Male Edition

Has there ever been a man, in the history of recorded human civilization, who so fully and flawlessly embodied the nebbishy nerd sex appeal as Jeff Goldblum?

6 Things You Shouldn’t Give Up On

While we can often allow behavior (both on our part and those of our friends) in platonic relationships that we wouldn’t in romantic ones, it doesn’t mean that they can be any less damaging.

An Open Letter To Dressing Rooms

I just don’t understand why you don’t make it easier on us. Why, for example, do you insist on having fluorescent, overhead lighting?

Please Stop Telling Me What A “Real Woman” Is

When they say that “Real Women have curves,” they mean Sofia Vergara. They don’t mean overweight women, they don’t mean women with a flat chest and big butt, they don’t mean women with a big middle-section, they don’t mean women with boxy torsos.

10 Junk Foods That Have No Business Existing

As fall approaches, my dreams are once again haunted by the imp-like spectre of Pumpkin Spice syrup, sending my every food and drink on an irresistible, sugar-filled Waltz of the Taste Buds.

How To Tell When It’s Over

Stop being interested in sex. Be repulsed by their touch, even when its offered only in kindness and comfort. Find yourself increasingly tense when you know that sex is expected, and nothing short of resentful at the implication that you should be having sex with them.