Chelsea Fagan

Chelsea Fagan founded the blog The Financial Diet. She is on Twitter.

What Happens When You Go On A Diet

I, for one, feel that people who ask if you’re aware of how fattening your order of onion rings probably is deserve to be shot out of a cannon into the mouth of a volcano.

28 Signs You’re Wasting Your Youth

You are not wearing the kinds of clothes you feel best in because you perceive them to be “not in style,” “not a good label,” or “not meant for someone who isn’t skinny.”

7 Rules For Communicating With Your Crush

Perhaps it would be best to make an actual list of information you acquired legitimately vs. information that you harvested from Facebook/Google/old blogs/other unfortunate sources

Just Tell Me How You Feel

Living in doubt can be addictive, it can give a sense of burning hopefulness that, as long as it is not extinguished completely, can sustain someone for years on end.

25 Things You Need To Forget About

The idea of owning a pet before you are financially, logistically, emotionally, or geographically ready to own one. Except fish, basically anyone can own a fish.

Kissing Is Underrated

And why so much focus on whether someone is bad in bed without addressing whether or not they’re a good kisser? Perhaps it’s just me, but there are few things worse than someone who doesn’t know the art of a good kiss.

32 Of Life’s Perfect Moments

Receiving an unexpected package from parents or friends (the best of these, of course, are the ones that feature snack foods).

The 8 Worst Halloween Costumes

“Lol, they can’t afford to keep a roof over their head! What a hilarious outfit! Lol high five bro!” It’s funny because you bought that flannel jacket for 300 dollars at Urban Outfitters.

9 People You Become When You’re Drunk

This music is so good and is cutting through your heart like an infomercial knife through a series of vegetables — time to weep silently as you rock back and forth with your eyes closed.