Chelsea Fagan

Chelsea Fagan founded the blog The Financial Diet. She is on Twitter.

8 Signs You Are Becoming Boring

Despite the fact that you, too, used a fake ID just a few short years ago, you are filled with righteous indignation. “Wait your turn, you brats,” you long to say, “Go drink 4 Loko in your bedrooms until you turn 21, like God intended.”

How To Fall In Love With A New City

When you tune out the chatter, you find, there is so much about the city to love. There are your tucked-away corners with friends, places that you seem to have almost planted your flag in and claimed for yourself.

7 Situations You Know Aren’t Going To End Well

This is the heady time when you are supposed to be utterly addicted to each other; if it takes them a full 4 hours to get back to a two-page text with “Lol,” there is no hope for your future.

How Do You Move On?

Each relationship can be a sort of fingerprint, completely unique in its detail and entirely constructed of mutual memories and experiences.

29 Easy Ways To Brighten Your Day

Take a long bath with a glass of wine. (Have you ever gotten semi-drunk whilst marinating in hot water? It’s kind of the greatest thing ever.)

Election Day Drinking Game

Chug a beer and then crush the can violently against your head every time you see a defaced political yard sign.

The 6 Ex-Boyfriends You Will Have

Enjoy the brief bouts of unfulfilling coitus that pepper your life, occasionally bookended by some of the most forced, exasperated cuddling in the world.

The Dos And Don’ts Of Going Out This Weekend

I would hope that we’re all at the point in our respective lives to have accepted that Boones, Andre, Two Buck Chuck, Carlo Rossi, and anything of the like are literally just crushing hangovers and despair in a bottle.

No, Christmas Music. No.

I am only now peeling off the alcohol-soaked remnants of my Halloween costume as I gingerly sip a piping-hot Pumpkin Spice Latte. The leaves are still turning and falling. The weather is what can be described as “wool sweater-crisp” on certain days.

We Have To Forgive Ourselves

Would your life be easier today if you hadn’t been so cavalier? Maybe. There is a chance that we dig ourselves into holes that are unnecessary, that contribute nothing to our better qualities or the people we are going to become — people we might actually like.

The 7 Stages Of Being Drunk

We can’t split up. It’s only three a.m.. Only the elderly and the terminally bogus go home at this geriatric hour.