Chelsea Fagan
Chelsea Fagan founded the blog The Financial Diet. She is on Twitter.
How To Be A Professional Creeper
Creeping is an almost pointless endeavor if you don’t have a trusted friend to whom you can show your findings with attached commentary such as “OMG isn’t she so beautiful it’s so unfair!!” or “Look at how cute his old blog was!”
The Pros And Cons Of Eating McDonald’s
A decent chance that you will get scalding hot fries, the most punishingly beautiful sensation the body can experience.
How To Be A Beautiful Woman
There is a thin line between being “sexy” and being “slutty,” a man gets to arbitrarily decide it, and you are never to cross it.
21 Things To Look For In A Boyfriend
11. He has a healthy relationship with going out, drinking, and socializing. He is neither completely dependent or absolutely uncomfortable with either of those things.
5 Foods That Taste Like Depression
First of all, why in the world would anyone even step foot within 10 miles of a KFC when Popeye’s exists? Popeye’s is the Beyoncé to KFC’s Katy Perry — there is just no comparison, and one just looks sad when mentioned in the same sentence.
10 Things We Need To Stop Spending Money On
There are few things more truly upsetting than taking perfectly good leftovers and either tossing them out directly or letting them linger in the back of your refrigerator until they’re no longer edible.
How To Shop At Sephora
Consider how gross these testers must be, even if you’re using a fresh applicator.
Disney Movies Vs Your Actual Life
As the only two stages of a relationship in the Disney universe are “just met thirty seconds ago” and “married in some elaborate, My Super Sweet 16-esque wedding,” you’re probably coming up on the latter.
19 Bad Pieces Of Advice You’ll Get In Your 20s
“It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a job secured yet, just move to New York. You’ll find something! It’s where everything is happening — you need to be there to really make the most out of your 20s.”
Let’s All Hold Hands And Cry And Watch The Les Miserables Trailer
It’s here. The most beautiful trailer I have ever laid my eyes upon. It’s got it all — hot Marius, Broadway Eponine, the ubiquitous-yet-inoffensive Amanda Seyfried.
The 8 Stages Of Being Dumped
Take down that “taken” status on Facebook. Remove photographic evidence. Break the news to everyone, or at least those that don’t pre-empt you by texting you with a feverish, “OMG I SAW YOU BROKE UP WHAT HAPPENED BRUH?!?!”
19 Possible Reactions To Your Friend Getting Engaged
6. A feeling of vague judgment from said married friends that you are not displaying any overt interest in having a ring put on it/putting a ring on it with anyone in particular.
Every Time Someone Calls Christina Aguilera Fat, An Angel Bursts Into Flames
If she is fat, I can’t help but think, what does that make me? What does that make the vast majority of women?
The 10 Commandments Of Eating Fast Food
If you order fish filet sandwiches at fast food joints, you deserve every manner of STD that could ever befall you.
5 Extremely Creepy Relationship Behaviors
Oh my god, is there anything creepier — anything creepier in the entire universe — than calling your significant other “daddy?” No. The answer to that question is no.
25 Things We Are Too Lazy To Do
5. Making your own pumpkin spice latte from scratch (though damn if you won’t look at it on the internet for 45 seconds and be like, “Damn, that’s sweet, I should do that”).
28 #BadSkinProblems
4. Having a complicated, bitter, occasionally joyous relationship with base makeup and concealer.
Romantic Comedies Vs. Your Actual Life
Some MRA off of Reddit (the only genre of man willing to make such egregious overtures in spite of zero reciprocal feelings) tries to get you to tolerate him enough to agree to a date and reward him for all his hard work and money spent on 1-800-Flowers with a round of reluctant sex.