Chelsea Fagan
Chelsea Fagan founded the blog The Financial Diet. She is on Twitter.
You Don’t Hate Your Ex’s New Significant Other, You Hate Your Ex
It is easy to turn them into a monster. You can assume the worst and risk nothing when it comes to your own relationship. You stand to gain nothing by being friends with them, by being kind, by giving them the benefit of the doubt.
When It’s Okay To Give Up
When you are committed to the idea of “not giving up” because that is what we have been told, over and over, is the ultimate sign of weakness.
29 People Who Should Be Banished From Society
13. The person who doesn’t put their phone down when they get to the cash register to order something and acts like the cashier is interrupting their precious conversation.
20 Things To Do While Waiting For The Les Miserables Movie
Think about the casting choice for Cosette, but then remember that that whole role is kind of lame and, meh, Amanda Seyfried isn’t too offensive.
7 Lies We Have To Stop Telling Our Friends
t is your job, as a friend, to answer important questions honestly when they are presented to you. Very few people in your friend’s life are going to be up-front about the fact that their new lover is absolutely repulsive.
I’m Tired Of Thinking About Boys
So much of my life has been consumed with this search for love, for approval, for being perceived as beautiful even when I don’t feel that way myself.
15 Things You Learn From Being A Teenage Girl
8. Not being invited to a party is the second-worst thing that can possibly happen to you, after being invited to said party out of pity or obligation.
23 Ways To Show Someone You Love Them
15. Tell them a secret that you’ve never told anyone before and really trust that they’re going to keep it.
24 Signs You Are Not Ready To Have Kids
Your checking account is not ready to handle buying brand-name cereal, so the idea of getting a place with a nursery and all of the things it would take to stock it only makes you laugh/cry like a hyena.
I Love You, But I Don’t “Game of Thrones” Love You
My entire body aches with this pulsing need to be reunited, but not as much as I anticipate the season three premiere.
Meeting Strangers Online Is The Best Thing Ever
Everything is voluntary. Everything is a step you make in their direction, something you actively choose to do because you want to be around them, to get to know them.
Please Stop Harassing Me, Salesperson, I Don’t Want Help
For these salespeople, “no” is a word that has no meaning in any language. It is simply a sound that a customer utters meaninglessly, like the bleat of a distracted sheep.
22 Secrets About The Entertainment Industry
Lady Gaga’s first words were “I can’t wait to have a gay son so we can go shopping together!”
If I’m A Sarcastic Jerk, It Means I Really Love You
I only call you names because I know you are in fact the opposite of these things, and therefore can withstand the absurd harshness of their use with complete indifference.
An Open Letter To My Friend’s Loser Boyfriend
But just so we’re clear: she is hot. Hotter than you. She is smart. Smarter than you. She is desired — much more than you. When she goes out, people notice her.
23 Things That Tumblr Thinks Make You “Special” And “Unique”
7. Feeling extreme emotional attachment to Loki, only partly because Loki is played by someone as hot and dapper (and, lest we forget, British) as Tom Hiddleston.
Recipe: Uncle Chelsea’s Thanksgiving Panty Removers
And it is in that spirit that I bestow upon the Thought Catalog community at large my time-honored drink that has long been a staple of every pre-Thanksgiving gathering amongst friends. We use it as a much-needed excuse to get drunk while wearing fancy clothes (a must for any holiday occasion) and so should you.
23 Reasons Food Is Better Than Love
6. You can’t pour ranch dressing on your lover to make them less bland.